NEHRA’s virtual Developing HR Fundamentals Program provides HR professionals who are new to the HR field, are moving from a specialist to a generalist role, or who work within smaller organizations and wear many hats, with a solid foundation for a well-rounded career in human resources. This program provides virtual instruction over two full days, as well as interactions and sharing through a community portal; enabling participants to be engaged prior to, throughout, and after the program.
The online community portal will provide access to:
- Any articles and white papers shared by facilitators
- A glossary of HR terms
- A listing of recommended books and websites/blogs
- A forum for sharing best practices and addressing common HR challenges
- A place to keep connected with your program colleagues
Pre-Program and Post-Program collaboration via the community portal enables for more robust and fulfilling two-day sessions
Pre-Program Activities: Prior to the modules, participants will be asked to contribute to discussions posted on the community portal. These discussions include, but are not limited to:
- Introduction
- Goals for attending session
- HR challenge faced in current role
Post-Program Activities: After the virtual sessions end, participants will continue to interact and engage with each other as well as program facilitators. In addition to posting their own challenges, best practices to share, and other questions on the community portal; participants will also be asked to share:
- Take-aways from the sessions
- Action planning activities
- Participate in a discussion on how they applied their learnings back on the job
- The community portal will be accessible for program participants for a 6-month period after the program ends
For more information or to register, please visit the NEHRA website.