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NEHRA's Employment Law Update Webinar

NEHRA's Employment Law Update 

 Program Overview:

Human Resources professionals know that keeping abreast of current legal developments are of the highest importance.  NEHRA'S Legal Update Webinars will run each quarter, covering the key developments in employment law and issues of current concern for employers and human resources professionals.  Led by Dan Klein, a partner in the Labor and Employment Department of Seyfarth Shaw's Boston office, the Webinar will be an informative hour that will help ensure that you are up to speed in this vital area.  Free to NEHRA members, we know that you won't want to miss this informative program!


Daniel B. Klein, Esq., Partner, Seyfarth Shaw LLP  

Daniel Klein is a partner in the Labor and Employment Department of Seyfarth Shaw's Boston office. Mr. Klein's practice includes the representation of management in employment and non-competition litigation matters before state and federal courts, at trial and appellate levels, as well as federal and state agencies, including the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, and the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights & Opportunities.


Members - FREE

Non-Members: $80