Beginning in January of 2021, employees can begin to apply for PFML benefits through the state's portal. Employers are challenged with complying with these new regulations and preparing for what's to come in January. Join us as we bring back our 'dream team' panel of experts to help you maintain compliance, prepare for the challenges ahead and put forward 'best practices' for your organization. Topics for discussion will include:
PFML Department updates - Process for applying for benefits, state portal updates, employer notification updates, fee updates
Employer opt out strategies - How many employers have been granted the opt out, what are the best policies and rates on the market, how to navigate this process with the state
Strategic best practices - What you can do NOW to plan for January including performance management strategies, leave management initiatives, employee notification techniques
John Gannon, Skoller & Abbott
Abigail O'Connell, SunLife Financial
Mark Adams, EANE
This event is organized by the HRMA of Western New England. For more information or to register, visit the HRMAWNE website.